This is a tremendous example of a "straw man" article. It takes 8 simplistic and popular Christian notions, to suggest the Bible doesn't say what we think it says. However, all eight examples fall woefully short, as a conservative, orthodox, evangelical, pastor I would never teach any of the ideas as they are suggested in this article, nor have I ever heard them taught as they are suggested here. This is a classic, build up a false narrative, and then tear down that false narrative. Finally, even when he claims that "purity" = "virginity" (which is the first time time I have ever heard this--as it covers far more than sexual matters, and it means purity within a relational context); or that Christians use Jeremiah 17:9 to teach all are "desperately wicked," either reveals your absolute ignorance of these concepts, or your intentional purpose to mislead. This article on all eight points, points to either one of two conclusions: First, you are ignorant and don't know the material well enough to make reasonable accusations. Or secondly, you are purposely attempting to mislead gullible and likeminded readers with simplistic arguments to bash Christians.